220 Pages, 8.5 x 11
Formats: Paperback
Paperback, $34.00 (US $34.00) (CA $45.00)
Publication Date: February 2014
ISBN 9780866473613
Cultural Differences is a content-based college/university preparation course introducing and giving practice in using a wide range of academic skills. In the process of studying the reasons behind the norms in different cultures, ESL students develop reading, discussion, and writing skills. The materials are effective in a variety of academic ESL courses.
Cultural Differences is composed of two books. The main text has 14 units. Each unit includes a reading passage about cultural norms and the reasons for those norms. The exercises that follow the passages are divided into five parts: 1) Study Guide questions, 2) Academic vocabulary exercises, 3) Preparation for discussion, 4) Academic writing techniques, and 5) Preview questions for the next unit.
The second book, the Supplementary Activities, contains additional materials. This photocopiable book is available as a separate book or available at ProLinguaLearning.com at no charge.